Sunday, February 27, 2011

Carrot & Corn 'Samba' Chicken Soup with "Seah's Herbal Chicken Soup Spices".

Corn and carrot chicken soup with Seah herbal chicken soup spices.
Usually,  I prefer to buy 'samba' chicken whereby the meat is more lean and tender rather than the normal fleshy chicken, for making soup. Then I will ask the chicken seller to separate the chicken into portions. First, the chicken breast, deboned & cut into 2 big piece(to be used later for different dishes). The rest to cut into big even pieces and the carcass & chicken feet will be used for boiling vegetable or miso soup. And I'll keep the skin instead of requesting for it to be peeled away because samba chicken has less fat.

Today's soup is very simple and easy to prepare.

Ingredients :

- Chicken cut in big pieces (excluding the chicken breast)
- 2 corn on the cob
- 1 or 2 carrot
- 1 pkt of Seah's Herbal Chicken Soup Spices.

Method :

Bring a medium pot of water to a boil. Add in the soup spices pack, chicken pieces (lightly blanched) and all other ingredients. Bring to a boil then lower the flame and cook for 1 hr. Serves with piping hot steam brown rice.


Steam mixed brown rice & Japanese sushi rice. 

Whenever I boil soup, I will make steam rice on another steel tray stacked on top as my soup pot is those stackable pot whereby I can cook soup in the lower portion, make steam fish, rice or even chawanmushi on another tray. Saves a lot of times.

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