Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Quick & Easy Sushi Rice.

It's another busy afternoon. Just finished decorating a cake & I think I have to prepare something really fast & easy for lunch. I had put 2cups of rice to cook in the rice cooker earlier, before I starts with decorating my cake. Hmm... Take a look at what I have in my fridge & sushi  came into my mind. It's an all time favourite in my house.  Just get ready the ingredients as shown in the next 3 pictures with the cooked hot rice(I always mix Japanese sushi rice & brown rice together.)

Seasoned Bonito Mix
Our favourite Pork Floss From Lim Chee Guan (Famous in Singapore for its BBQ Pork)

Powdered Sushi Mix (Vinegar Powder)

Empty a packet of the powdered sushi mix  (easily available at Cold Storage/NTUC) to the hot cooked rice. You can adjust the flavour according to your own preference. Always taste and mix well. Fold in the bonito mix and mix well. You are ready to present the sushi rice any way you like.

Today, I decided to try wrapping some pork floss (chicken floss will do too) in a rice ball for myself and Vance requested for the shaped sushi that I made for him few weeks ago. (Refer to the last picture)

I am not sure about others but I am always creating foods that as long as its tasty & healthy, its enough. Give this simple & fast to prepare meal a try.

The ready mixed rice with pork floss wrapped inside.

The mini version for Vance. (Today I added the pork floss into the rice mixture & shaped, this way, we can prevent the pork floss from dropping everywhere when the little one eats.)

This is the earlier shaped sushi that I prepared for Vance & his good friend Kendrick. Isnt it nicer? I am too hungry to deco the sushi for today. Lol...

1 comment:

  1. Lim Chee Guan Singapore's queue is just crazy every year. But not much of a choice. Just have to queue cos they make the best bak kwa in town.
