Monday, February 28, 2011

Cold, cold Ice Milk Chunk. (Another beautiful & unintentional mistake - Vance)

I was searching hi and low in my fridge for the 2 carton box of milk that I remembered clearly that I bought from NTUC yesterday. Where? Oh, don't tell me I had left it on the countertop & forget to store  away in the fridge. Must have turned bad by now. No, its not at the countertop neither.

Oh, dear! Must be in the freezer!!! True enough! Its in the new side-by-side refrigerator left freezer compartment. And who is the one that put it there? VANCE!!!!!!!! I think my neighbours must be thinking what the little monster did again to drive his mum so crazy again. Till now, Vance still dont know why we have to put food at difference side of the refrigerator. The frightened little fella is just being helpful.

What now? It suddenly occured to me that I can make something out of the freezed milk. Surely I am too thrifty to throw away the frozen milk. Indeed! I am sure I don't have to say much as the pictures attached tells all.

Enjoying my glass of cold-cold icy milk cube with fresh strawberries on a hot, hot afternoon. Squeeze some strawberry & chocolate syrup & add some chopped strawberries. Nice!

Thanks, Vance! You help mummy create something different today.

1 comment:

  1. Now my little monster finally knows & understands why we have to store foods at difference compartment. Great lesson.
