Sunday, March 13, 2011

Steam Fish Slices & Steam Egg (Chawanmushi)

This little bowl of steam red garoupa fish slices is for Vance.
This one, with the red chillies is for Vince.

What's for lunch today? Well, the timing for lunch today is different for everyone. So, in order to make sure everyone gets to enjoy piping hot dishes serves with hot rice, I decided to prepare the dishes in smaller portion for everyone.

Vanesse is away at school for the Choir Camp since last friday and will be back only around 1pm later whereas Vince is attending tuition till 11pm. He is usually hungry when he returns home after that. Myself & Vance are sick, so the best thing to eat is steam food. Vance can't take eggs as he had just recover from fever last night, so I gave him just the steam fish slices and rice.

Its funny that children's appetite can be affected by the way a dish is presented to them. Vince used to hate eating fish with the skins but today, he finished everything without any complains. Vance also hates steam fish but when he sees the cute little orange bowl that I used to steam the fish, he is so happy and he too, finished a big bowl of rice today. Moreover, I don't have to worry about them choking by fish bone too.

Here's the ingredients :

Steam Fish 
Red Garoupa fish slices
Slices of /shredded gingers
1tbsp of light soy sauce
A few drops of sesame seeds oil
Boil some water in the a covered wok. Arrange the fish slices in a small dish, topped with some gingers and add light soysauce and sesame oil. Once the water in the wok is boiled, put the small dish of fish on the steaming rack and steam for 7mins or till cooked.

Garnish with some diced fresh spring onion and chinese parsley and serve hot.  

Chawanmushi/Steam egg.

Smooth and springy. Just add some soy sauce and its yummy.

Steam egg (ingredient for 1 person)

1 egg
1 tsp of corn starch
Hot water/chicken stock(if available)
Some minced pork(today's menu)/chicken meat/1 small fresh prawn
A slice of shitake mushroom(optional)

Well, this dish may look simple but to make really smooth and nice steam egg, it really requires some patient and methods. Remember always that the proportion of water and egg is 1:1. (My mum taught me this) Its ok to have slightly more water as the egg will be softer this way. The small soup bowl is just perfect to make 1 egg. Just add in all the ingredients, beat well and fill hot water to 8/10 full. I tried to add in just 1 tsp of corn starch today & I find the egg is actually more springy this way.

After mixing everything, try to scoope away the bubbles on top of the egg mixture. Usually, I don't mind. Firstly, make sure there is enough boiling water in the wok. Put the small bowl of egg into the steaming rack and cover and cook in high flame for just 30s and then quickly lower the fire and let it steam slowly for 8-9mins. Usually, I will just turn off the gas after this and keep the wok covered and serve only when the table is ready. If the egg is steam in very high flame, it will turn hard and ugly and lumpy.

Some might noticed that I didn't add in salt here. There are times when I add in salt and for some reason(which I don't understand) the egg becomes greenish and in the end I had to throw it away. Just add some soy sauce to the egg and enjoy! I just prepared another portion for Vanesse and keep it in the wok covered and just heat up when she is home.
Attached below are just one of the nice picture of the steam eggs that I had previously made and shared with my friends in FB.

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