Friday, February 10, 2012

Black Pepper Salmon Butter Fried Rice Wrapped in Egg Sheet

I simply love my HappyCall pan. Preparing the egg sheet is so easy now & the shape is just nice to hold a bowl of fried rice & a piece of cheese inside.

Ingredients :
(Fried rice)
1 bowl of plain white rice(leftover)
A thin slice of salmon - diced (roughly about half of the small rice bowl)
2 small stalk of green spring onion - diced
1 small onion - diced
Minced garlic
Pinch of salt & black pepper
A tsp of butter
(Egg sheet) - Prepare in a bowl & beat all ingredient below together:

2 eggs - beaten
Pinch of salt & pepper
Tapioca flour - 1 tbsp + 3 tbsp water (mix well)

Method :

Heat up the pan, add in butter. Once it started to melt, add in the minced garlic & chopped onion & once slightly browned, add in the rice & mix well.
Followed by the diced salmon. Once the salmon turn reddish, add in a pinch of salt & black pepper. Mix well. Lastly, add in some finely diced green spring onion, ready & set aside.

Wipe the pan with a piece of kitchen towel. Spray some oil on the surface of the pan. Under low flame, slowly pour the egg mixture into the pan from one corner. Tilt the pan slowly so that the egg covers the whole pan as shown in the picture below.  

When the egg sheet is still half done, scoope some pre-fried rice & place it as shown above, topped with a piece of cheese (sometimes, I'll add in some Lim Chee Guan seaweed & sesame chicken  floss).Then carefully fold the egg sheet in half & lightly press the corners to stick the sides together(as the egg is still soft, it will be easily stick together & form a pocket that holds the rices nicely inside.)

Turn the flame slightly higher so that the egg sheet in nicely browned. If you are confident enough, you may wish to cover the pan & tilt it one side before turning the pan to fry the upper side of the folded egg sheet.

Serve whilst its hot. Squeeze some mayonaise & tomato sauce & add in some blanched broccoli & carrots. Its another simple & healthy meal again.

Isn't it beautiful?

The cheese is melted & mixed well into the rice.


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